Wednesday 6 October 2010

Week 3... silmultaneous project.


An example of a simultaneous project

*      This is an example of a simultaneous project. It was sent world wide in an email to a lot of people and people slowly sent back all there pictures they took on eastern time between 2.00pm and 2.01pm.
*      I really like this and like the idea of unity all together. There is also very interesting images and different takes on what everyone was doing. I like the close insight to peoples lives and how you can be nosey.

My image for the project

I feel that my image isn’t that strong on its own and it is poorly took, however when it is added to the rest of the images I feel it will work a lot better when added to the rest of the images. Also I feel the story behind what I was doing and the stories in the other people also takes the focus off, and makes the image quality more acceptable.

*      I think the idea of taking the image is potentially a very good one. I like the sense of united it has. It would be very good for showing different point of views in a project of an event happening and get simultaneous in another sense.
*      I think the idea of it all being taken at the same time is really good, however I think it starts not to work when people don’t take it at the exact same time, and monitoring this is problematic.
*      I think the quality of the images taken in our type of project was low as it wasn’t always a convenient time to take your camera. You can also be caught off guard the time you’re meant to be capturing the image.
*      A project like this can affect your photography by having to work quick but hurriedly think what can make a good image. Also many of the images for the project were photographed by mobile phone. I feel this was effective for hurried images and was also the most convenient for media to be recorded on. I also think that it could improve our photography by encouraging us to leave more to the viewers imagination and leave parts of the image ambiguous. This is because some of our images are a bit ambiguous to what people were doing at the time, which adds a new interest to the picture. I like this mystery. However I don’t think this type of project is portfolio standard, as there wasn’t much thought behind it and it isn’t my strongest image.

Health and safety

*      The main concern here is not taking the image bang on 12.00pm when it is not safe to do so. You should make sure you it is safe to take the image and you aren’t crossing the road or something.
*      Also make sure you ask permission if you are taking a picture of someone as they may hurt you if they do not wish for it to be taken.
*      Always insure people know what the privacy statement is for the project so they know about their right to the image after submitting it.

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