Title: Waterlilies
Photographer: Baron Aldolph De Meyer
STYLE: Delicate with soft detail. It appears more like a painting that a photograph.
COMPOSITION: The rule of thirds has been applied here as you can neatly split the Floating lilies, the glass bowl, and what appears to be water. Again this gives a painting effect as it is commonly used in paintings as well.
TECHNIQUES: Monochrome has been applied to this, this may be due to the lack of colour in the first place the only colour would be the water, reducing the attention on the waterlilies. The photograph also has a shallow depth of field, putting all focus on the lilies.
Tittle: Horse's Morror
Photographer: Miguel Rio Branco
STYLE: Very detailed, which really sets off the photograph and gives a better insight of why the photographer took the image. Its styles very magnified possibly using a macro lens. This zoomed in style brings attention to the seeping eyes and an unhealthy coat of fur.
COMPOSITION: The eye is the centre focus and the lines of muscle on the horse lead the viewer’s eye into the rest of the photo. The blue sky background that has been positioned to merge in from the corner sets off the colour of the fur.
TECHNIQUES: Colour has been used along side a 200mm lens probably or a macro type lens (depending on how close the photographer was at the point of image capture. You can conclude this from the mass of detail captured in the image.
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